
By tookie

Heron in Tree wtih Snow

We got some white stuff after much ta doo about a possibility we would! We didn't get near the amount our neighbor Portland did to the south of us or Bellingham to the north! But we got enough to delight in it and run the holligans over to the park to play in it. I awoke in the middle of the night to watch the flakes falling gently onto the deck....then I woke up the hooligans to come see the snow and let them out for a small nightime romp in it.

Awoke then in the morning and decided I wanted to get out and see the magic of it's artistry on the trees and around the waters....wanted to savor that joy of the first snowfall and not lose that childhood sense of awe a new snowstorm can bring. I don't think Big R shared this same sense of awe....but he decided to trail along with me and the dogs. They had a blast flying over the snow laden grasses and along the slough where the trees were all softly coated in white. I saw this beautiful Heron sitting in one of the trees, just waiting for a chance to catch a fish from the slough!

Now it's all beginning to melt and get rather sloppy. Happy Sunday to all and have a good work week.

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