
By MarnieL


When the winds come from the south, planes fly over our neighbourhood. Flaps are up and speed is decreasing as they prepare to land. We have been seeing and hearing them all day today as there is a strong wind from the south.

Although it is windy enough to push me around a bit when out walking and I have been hearing things crash around outside a bit, Amsterdam is experiencing a much milder version of the weather than Britain, where gale-force winds of 160 km/h are wreaking havoc. All this is on top of ongoing storms and their wettest January since records have been kept (1766). Hopefully the storms will end and the rivers will recede soon. My thoughts go out to all who are dealing with the storms and their damage. I hope that the worst is over.

It was a good day to stay indoors, so I worked on the computer problems that have plagued me since the fall when both Apple and Windows updated their software. I have been searching for a solution since then and spent the better part of this past week validating data, researching the issues, reinstalling, uninstalling, reinstalling, uninstalling, and so on, again and again and again. Success!!!! Finally, my data is good, and my iPad and computer are in sync.

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