Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Victory Flight!

Some of you may have been wondering if Team Titmouse was going to be competing in these Alternative Olympic Games ... well, wonder no more! As you can see, Tufty was in excellent form for the Peanut Grab. It's a shame that the same cannot be said of teammate Mufty who lost her peanut in mid-air.. Thankfully, Bufty was able to sail across the finish line, peanut in beak! The team was all seen gorging at the worm-bar later in the day, a reward for a job well done. Plus, as you know, athletes need their protein.

Team Blue Jay was practicing their peanut-juggling today, in anticipation of the upcoming event. They are looking good, don't you think?

Team Cardinal had a whopper of a day. After a slow start due to torrential rains, His Royal Redness got warmed up and then stopped to ask a sparrow Where the heck the Mrs had gotten off to?. In short time, he found her in a vigorous competition with Team White-Throat where she put on an excellent showing. That inspired Mr to execute his classic wing moves, dazzling and delighting the crowd. A good day for Team Cardinal! Team Red-belly sent an emmissary to take notes on Team Cardinal's technique. Their star athlete has not yet decided whether she will perform.

And for those of you following the sad story of the Wild Turkey Hockey Team, they send poor beleaguered Haroldine down to the woods to search, in vain, for the missing puck.. She got a surprise assist from a member of Team Turkey Vulture, who sent one of their best flyers to search from above. We remain hopeful...

Meanwhile, Archie from Team Junco, who has been chosen to participate in the closing ceremonies on 23 February, allowed this reporter to watch his practice session today - and WOW!. I was able to sneak this one picture before being severely scolded.

And that wraps up another thrilling day at the AOG, folks. If you'd like to follow the other stories from AOG Stadiums around the globe, check in HERE. And don't forget to tag your entries AOG so we can find 'em!

Your intrepid reporter, signing out...

Oh, and I almost forgot ... yet another "incident" occurred today with a member of Team Squirrel sticking her tongue out at one of the judges WHILE breaking into the vending machine...again. Things are not looking good for Team Squirrel. No sirree....

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