My Aim is True


Buy experiences not goods

Buy experiences, not goods*. That's what (the aptly named) Richard Wiseman has to say in his book 59 Seconds . (if you've never seen Prof Wiseman search him out, he's very entertaining)

I was at the bus stop and spotted this window display. I know no one who'd spend that on shoes (but I could almost see me falling to the floor and clinging onto the ankles of the purchaser sobbing "give me your money. Pleeeeeeze, pleeeeeze!!!")

Slightly happier with this after yesterday's disaster (don't look at it. It really, really is not worth the (albeit slight) possibility of RSI from clicking on your moose)

Chat today - Dimbleby and the bullock, the headliners at the Hogmanay Street party (yup, we've NO idea who they are either) and assorted less important tit bits.

* Who am I kidding. Stuff's great

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