Opening on Saturday Mornings - Aro Ling Cardiff

Aro Ling Cardiff yn cael ei agor dyddiau Sadwrn - pryd bynnag dyn ni'n adre. Ro'n ni'n meddwl ein bod ni eisiau bod ar gael i bobl sy'n mynd i siopau yn y pentref. Maen nhw'n gallu ymweld â ni i siarad am Fwdhaeth, ymarfer myfyrdod, neu edrych ar y llyfrau yn ein llyfrgell. Roedd y blodau anrheg o un o'r bobl sy'n dod i'r grŵp nos Fawrth. [mawr]

Aro Ling Cardiff will be open Saturdays - whenever we're home. We thought that we want to be available to people who go to the shops in the village. They can visit us to talk about Buddhism, meditation practice, or look at the books in our library. The flowers were a gift from one of the people who come to the group Tuesday night. [large]

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