Sneaky S.P.

It's been a great day....with just the right combination of visiting, walking etc.

Richard, Terry and I headed up to Sydney to sit meditation with Todd and his gang. This is becoming a weekly ritual....and i'm enjoying it a lot! After our meditation we have great discussions about some aspect of we talked about generosity! It's such a huge and complex idea that on the surface seems so obvious. Anyway, suffice to say there were some wonderfully insightful comments and discussions. Then off to Smitty's for a big nosh up.....and more spirited chatting! A trip to Sydney just isn't complete unless Value Village has been well investigated! As usual, i managed to find a few gems!

It was such a glorious day, cold but the 3 of us had a great walk along the boardwalk and then back thro the main street. I love the contrast of experiences - my daily walks are so quiet and lovely...but a bit predictable at times. So I had a lovely time exploring the more urban scenes. I love the reflections in these glass fronted buildings....the distortion and then i get to insert myself in there too!

Home now, and about to get dinner on! A very satisfying day indeed!

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