A taste of things to come

I had another session with the osteopath this morning and then took Louis for a walk over the fields at the top of our road. It was beautiful, the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and Louis was like a spring lamb running and jumping around.

I then drove to meet my friend Barbara in Hove and we walked along the promenade back towards Brighton, and had lunch at this cafe overlooking the beach. There were lots of people sat outside eating in the sun, although there was a cold wind, so we sat inside by the window, but it was definitely a taste of things to come - spring and summer are on their way!

When we'd eaten, we walked back towards the Lagoon at Hove and had a hot chocolate at the Big Beach Cafe which is owned by Fat Boy Slim AKA Norman Cook. As we live on the other side of Brighton, we've not been to Hove very often, but I think I'm going to enjoy working there, and fortunately my office is literally a 5 minute walk to the beach, so I'll still be able to spend my lunch break down there.

Thank you for all your comments, hearts and stars yesterday, my rose made it to the spotlight!

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