This is not a Banksy

We were very tired this morning after only arriving at mum's at 12.45am, but it was still better than getting up early and driving through the Friday morning traffic.

We had a couple of hours with mum and then went to see Alan's parents before meeting the letting agents at our house. It's been rented out ever since we moved to Belgium, but now we're back in the UK we want to sell it and buy something in Brighton. Our tenants moved out yesterday, hence the trip this weekend, but what a shock we were in for. They've left the house filthy, and certain things were damaged, so we now have to go through the process of battling to get their deposit towards the costs.

We've had someone in to quote for cleaning and repairs, and tomorrow morning we have three estate agents turning up with regards to putting it on the market for sale. We can't cancel them as we're only here until Sunday, so we'll just have to explain the situation, but I think we'll have to delay putting it up for sale until the work has been done.

Anyway, forgetting all that, I took Louis for a walk just as the sun was starting to set, in the hope of finding something to blip. I noticed the light on the wall and there were some lovely shadows from the trees, so I went to take a photo and then saw my shadow. When I showed Alan later he said he thought it looked like a Banksy!

Tonight we went round to Rachel & Scott's for dinner and saw Scarlett before she went to bed, and we're now relaxing at our hotel with a bottle of wine, ready for an early night. We've got a busy day tomorrow meeting with the agents, and then we're having Scarlett overnight as Rachel & Scott are having a night away. I may struggle with commenting until we're back home on Sunday, so I'll wish you all a good weekend x

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