
By RogMull

Debut article for @TESScotland

I was out yesterday when my copy of TESS arrived, but on returning home, Barbara had kindly left the copy in a prominent place and open at the page where my first TESS article is published. I thought I'd take a photo of it this morning as Blipfoto is a place for capturing significant moments in one's life.

My aim is to write comment pieces every few weeks, and to be unafraid of rattling cages. I shall mostly be writing about future education policy and mainly related to the college sector, but it will at times mean meandering into issues of importance to schools and universities.

I was flattered to be asked to send in a piece, and although I admit to not being flattered by the caricature of me (with the exception of the artist kindly removing my grey hair), I am glad the editor saw fit to publish with pretty minor editing.

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