Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Valentine Day Flowers

One of the consequences of the Yosemite Firefall Tour was that I couldn't be with my wife on our 32nd Valentine's day since we met. To try and make up in a small way for this gross dereliction of duty I arranged for flowers to be delivered to her work. It was no mean feat when you realise she works on a hospital grounds and I needed to find out her actual address within the site. Many thanks to one of her colleagues for providing the necessary information.

I was even more chuffed to realise that the flowers were still going strong more than two weeks later. Worthy of a blip, i thought.

Technical: A 10 shot focuse stack in Helicon Focus, I used a shallw depth of field to capture the anther and stamens in focus but leave the petals blurred. Natural diffuse light.

Hope to see a few of you at the Blipmeet at the Photography Show tomorrow.

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