Jax and co.

By indusriver

well he is not wrong...

Zachary shared this with me today - a history project he was asked to mark from one of his classmates who obviously would prefer to get straight to the point - by concluding that the slave trade indeed could be summed up as - "It was bad"!

Zachary being more of the expressive/wordy type as well as the visual sort was in his words 'gob smacked at is brevity but also 'upset' about the size of the font that was being used!

I was amused and grateful for the break in my work day (my son sends me emails from school off his iPad which he uses exclusively for his dyslexia - an added bonus for us both. Him usually asking 'where is printed out homework is (in his bag!) and me asking him to remember to look for one of the many items he has lost misplaced!)

Other than that a usual busy work day, full of variation, interspersed with supportive talks to friends going through difficult times and two hours back in the studio tonight while Zachary is at Judo - time continues to fly past at an unbelievable speed...

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