Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox


His day and mine started at the same time as we braved the freshness of the early morning fog!

I was on 4 wheels, he was on 2!

I travelled lightly......he travelled fully laden!

My day was over by 3pm........he is probably still pedalling his way around the city.

Here is one of the true stalwarts of Dubai.....earning his living recycling cardboard.

Where does he get it from?

A variety of selubrious places.....some more desirable than others. Kindly shopkeepers leave cartons outside their premises for him to collect, at other times he can be seen 'hooking' discarded boxes from the enormous garbage bins that are dotted around the city.

How neatly and carefully he flattens it out and ties each bundle to the back of his bike before pedalling his way to the recycling plant, possibly several kilometers away.

Back for the next load and the next and the next and the next..............all for a few dirhams per kilo!

How clean the city remains because of unassuming...yet so important a statistic as Dubai promotes its 'green and environmentally friendly' image.

Its to people like him that I raise my hat!............but I guess he'll never know that or even begin to understand how valuable an asset he is to this city and its environs.

Happy Blipping Everyone

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