Changing Weather

A very mixed day of stuff I had to do combined with things that I wanted to do. A few weeks of leaving the house early and getting back late has meant quite a few jobs at home have piled up. Ticked a few of those off this morning before rewarding myself with a run on the moor. I then had to get into the office to progress a few things before going out to dinner. I’d kindly be invited out for an evening hosted by the lovely J, a group of people brought together through connections made at the Shipley Health Store where I get my lunch every day from Creative Breads. The food was utterly fabulous and the conversation highly stimulating. Thank you guys. It was a really great evening.

I love these isolated gritstone outcrops but they need an interesting sky to make for a decent photograph. This blip is really all about that sky and this kind of complex collection of clouds seem to often herald a dramatic change in the weather. Tomorrow is supposed to be spectacularly good. One of my jobs today was getting new tyres on the bike and generally giving it a bit of TLC. I don't want to breaking down tomorrow in the middle of nowhere.

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