Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Lord of all he surveys

I had such a fun morning at Greenhead Farmers' Market today. I was there wearing 2 hats (metaphorically): one for the Haltwhistle Walking Festival and the second for Oh What a Lovely War. I took tickets to sell for the play and sold 5. (Not persuasive enough perhaps?)

I had lovely chats to people all morning. One guy spent ages asking me to explain exactly why we charge for our walks in the festival. Later he came back and gave me an almond macaroon to eat. He might even book a walk.........

An older couple were visiting the area. They had worked in Botswana for 29 years and knew several people I knew from my time there in 1973. We could have talked all day.

I bought various lovely foodstuffs for us to enjoy including a free range chicken, a tub of organic live yoghurt, a jar of lemon curd and a bottle of elderflower gin. We won't eat them all at once.

Time now to snooze, prepare for tomorrow's walk and then settle to an evening of TV later.

The picture is of the bull of a small herd who often stand close to the Military Road, directly south of Robin Hood's Tree. It isn't ideal to stop there, but I loved the light today so I tried to park safely and took the image quickly.

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