Give me a kiss.

I'm back to photos of birds today, but had such a great time yesterday with Mono Monday, and spent way too long at the computer, looking at what everyone else had come up with in black and white. I must admit that I have to try to make a habit of posting my own photo first, before I start looking at other journals, because it's so easy to lose track of time, go to leave the computer, and think, "oh no, I forgot to add mine!"

We had a very heavy shower of rain this morning and just after, I saw these two Rainbow Lorikeets outside. The light was beautiful when the sun shone on the wet earth, so I had to take a photo of them.

I think they look like they are thinking about kissing! And an old saying that my mum used to have popped into my mind. When I was very little, she would say, "Give me a kiss and lend me a tanner", but what does that mean, I wonder? I think a tanner is money....not sure though, and why would you kiss someone then ask them for a loan of money? I just don't get it....

Mum came from the north of England, with her roots firmly embedded in Yorkshire. Perhaps one of my English friends can explain the point of this saying? I hope so.....

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