still ticking along nicely

Despite being washed on Friday morning my watch appears to have survived, perhaps aided by using non-bio powder and low temperature. The only ill effect seemed to be the loss of five minutes (from its perspective), but these were restored when it was retrieved from the damp pocket it had hidden in and have so far remained in place. It only happened because I'd not put it in the pocket I usually put it in when washing the dishes, and only did that to prevent trench-wrist from the damp strap rather than to prevent the watch getting wet, which it's supposed to be able to cope with. Although it's been twice ripped off my wrist in the mere four mere months for which I've owned it (during the putting-on and taking-off processes when dragging rucksacks around) it's doing better so far that most other watches I've owned, which usually only survive for as long as they do by sacrificing their straps early in their lives so that they can age in relative peace and safety in a drawer, cupboard, box or any combination thereof until rediscovery a few months before their batteries die. As my own watches have always been of fairly minimal value it's never a great wrench when they expire but it would have been unfortunate for this one to have gone so soon.

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