little else

On occasion, something to illustrate the overriding theme of day would involve taking a macro of the inside of my snout. Another time, perhaps. At least the coldness on the way in and the way back mitigates it.


After a suitably long dithering-period to check for second, third and fourth thoughts I finally got round to organising a mobile handset-upgrade this evening. The four out of the previous five times this has happened I've always ended up with something slightly more advanced than whatever Nicky had, twice due to being on a slightly more costly plan and getting a slightly increased range of available handsets and twice due to paying a bit extra to get something slightly better, most recently the wifi capability of the N95 compared to the 3G-only N73, just over three years ago (and on a previous occasion paying £10 extra to get a 6310i, which had Bluetooth, rather than the 5410, which was horrible). Though I'd been planning to get one thing for Nicky and another for me the disparity between the apparent offers available on the website and the options visible on the system of the helpful chap in Doxford (caused in part by restrictions imposed by the employee discount I still receive despite not having worked for them for ten years) meant that £10 of the £90 less I had to pay than I thought I would have to pay for my target handset could be used to get the same maximally-advanced handset for Nicky. Although I am by no means an early adopter (I only got the internet at home in 2000, had no broadband until 2005ish, didn't get a cameraphone until 2005 and first used portable wireless mobile internet in 2006) I always felt unusually technologically advanced when we met up with Nicky's school peer group and something arose which could only be answered via the internet, which I alone turned out to have the technology to access from the pub/restaurant/allotment. They're probably slightly more up-to-date now and Nicky's current circle of local-new-mother associates seem keener on mobile comms and social networking facilities so it's about time she got on board with the sort of technology which the wingpiglet will probably be legally required to have embedded in his wrist by the time he gets his national insurance numbercard.

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