Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Gorgeous day today -perfect water for a row this morning and all but one of our bookclub gathered this afternoon to discuss “Empire of the Summer Moon” by S.C Gwynne, the sad story about Quanah Parker and the rise and fall of the Comanches, the most powerful Indian tribe in American History. Liked the fascinating information but not the writing so much. Couldn’t resist the 4 photo panorama of the view from R’s house on such a great day. I know it’s too small to see well, even large (?) but that’s Portage bay with rowing shells in it, and Lake Washington to the right-you can just see the floating bridge and the construction cranes that are taking forever to build a new bridge (bigger so more cars can drive over it :-( what we don’t need) And the Cascade mountains. Tonight the last lecture in the UW ICE initiative series, connecting climate change with the human rights of the Inuit people trying to make their living on ice. A few similarities with this indigenous tribe to the comanches and the treatment given them from their countries.
Snags in both the painting project (the ladders are still up for several more days...) and delays with the simple bathroom stuff and our car being serviced for 2 days which wasn’t ready on top of a busy day are all making me very tired... so I’ll catch up with you tomorrow! :-)

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