Ewan v Grandma

I slept like a baby last night after a full on day in my new roles as Mother, Grandmother, supporter, cleaner, and Super Nanny.
It seems that Ewan also slept like a baby..... Well for 2 long stretches of the night anyway.

I thought I was fairly fit, but a day yesterday of cradling a heavy baby and then a route march in warm sunshine round Alexandra Park which I never realised existed, really taxed my reserves of energy. I had forgotten how fast my children walk.

Today has been committed to jaunting to the leafy West End for lunch, the haunt of my post grad days, with Ewan in a sling on his mother's chest, the position he loves the most....... need I say more?

I am having little influence on his behaviour, although as I type, I have had enough.

He's been fed, cuddled, played on the rug, changed, and still wants to wriggle around whinging and not settle.
Taking the advantage of his mother being on the phone, I have put him in his pram in the dining room to squawk until he sees the error of his ways and falls asleep on his own.

However I suspect that his mother having finished her phone call to 5 year old Nina who is in Italy skiing with her father and who has just won a cup for her slalom race this morning, is at this moment rescuing her little lad from the bad boys' room.

There is just one more day to harden my daughter to accept that it is pointless spending all her free time bouncing Ewan in her arms until the next feed.
Wish me luck!

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