Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Paranormal Activity

So....this photo taken of my boyfriend's bedroom might seem a little dirty but he assures me it was set to take photos of 'the stars'......ahem.

Anyway, thats not why I took the photo. Last night we went to a premiere of Paranormal Activity which I loved. I'm a big horror movie fan and especially love paranormal horror. Serial killers don't scare me but evil demonically posessed girls do.

It's basically about a young couple who prop up a camera in their bedroom to tape the paranormal activity going on in their house. Don't want to ruin it for those who might still see it, but it's one of the tensest (is that a word?) films I've ever seen. For the whole of the last twenty minutes, everyone in the cinema was squirming. :)

So when we got back to his and saw the camera......he obviously dismantled the tripod and put it away. :D

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