A Girl, Some Bouys, and the Moon

My son Jeff and I spent the whole day in Palm Harbor, Florida...at the Valspar Championship (PGA Golf.)

Valspar is a big paint company. The tee boxes were marked off with gallons of paint, and there were splashes of color everywhere.

The only thing that didn't co-operate was the weather. 60F, and windy. VERY windy. We walked the first 9 holes with Camilo Villegas and his 2 playing partners, and didn't see one birdie. NOT ONE BIRDIE! AND...THESE WERE THE PROS!

The second nine wasn't much better. We followed a good group of Matt Kuchar, Bill Haas, and Jim Furyk, and still only saw 2 birdies. Even the pros don't like to play in the wind. Hard for them to gauge their distance.

After the tournament...the traffic was so bad that it took us 2 hours to go 55 miles. Frustrating. Stop and go...stop and go.

Since we didn't see any birdies on the course (we saw more ospreys than we did birdies), I drove out to find some at the fish market. The real birds must have been in hiding.

Just like the golfers...evidently the birds don't like the wind, either.

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