Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Carla Koala!

Well the beautiful Koalas did not disappoint this morning. Cape Otway is a very, very special place and we will certainly return at some stage. However all is not well as you will see from the following link - The Future of Koalas at Cape Otway.
I have walked in many areas of Australia but I have never seen a koala in it's native habitat. There's something very special about walking through the bush and coming across a little koala nestled in the gum tree gazing down at you. I felt quite emotional. They're very hard to spot because they are quite often camouflaged by their environment. I have to say I was astonished at the size of their paws and claws, I wouldn't want to pick an argument with a koala!!

We are stayed overnight in a great self-contained cabin at Bimbi Park and a highlight of our stay would have to be the sunset that we experienced last night.

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