Spring sap

Spring Gift

a stoic sugar maple
wishes for warm days
her buckets hung
through nights bone cold.
pale in sap moon light
she stands silent, impailed
silver stile releasing dripping
watery, natural spring sap
caught in capped buckets
transformed by steam and fire
boiled sugar, thickened, strained
golden sweet syrup her gift

These trapped trees are just up the street towards the center of town. I passed them yesterday and came back this morning for the photo. I've linked my 2012 maple sugaring blip for those interested in more information. I think the season may be a poor one, we lack the warm days(not the bone cold nights) required for good flow. The fear is that the days will suddenly become too warm, the sap will begin to taste, buddy, as the tree begins forming buds, making the syrup unusable. It takes 40 gallons of sap for one gallon of syrup . It is fun to see the buckets and plastic containers hung on the trees around town.

For the Record,
This day came in frosty cold with windshield needing much scraping. Warming up to a bit above freezing as the day goes on.

All hands healthy

Please watch the Pete Seegar video that Tookie linked in the first comment, it's perfect

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