
By Purplepants

Ah... Myki is cuddling up to Mooey!

Alex is delighted that Myki now sleeps up on his bed at night. He was highly amused to see him cuddled up with Mooey, Alex's favorite squishy thing, on a kitchen chair this evening.
I took this with Fred's iPad as it was close to hand - I think they do quite a good job!

All the preparation and marking etc was done for leaving my lessons to a cover teacher tomorrow when I will be off school to go to Aunties funeral.

I missed Myki for a couple of hours after I got home, until I realized I could hear him blittering outside his cat flap. He couldn't get back in because his collar with the magnet on for opening the flap had come off somewhere.

Alex to swimming, me on a supermarket run (which included purchase of Morrison's best cat collar - which will have to do for now) - spare magnet was attached so he can come and go again!

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