
Autumnal is one of my favourite words. I like to pop it in to my blips each autumn.

Definitely autumnal :-)

Early this morning I swapped the old flat pedals a friend put on my bike for my normal clip in ones. Then it was off for a 30 min ride using my part of my usual route to work. All good, even twisting my foot to get in and out of the pedals wasn't too bad.

Errands, cooking etc filled much of my day. I also had a good catch up with Dad. He's doing well, we all are in what are early days, barely 3 months since Mum died.

The fisher/hunter and I had a walk late in the day before going to a bbq. The physio and doc said to try using my tramping boots. Hmmm, they're great on steep rough ground but I found them a bit hard on my foot. Still, I can't complain with a 40 min mix of flat and small hills :-)

The bbq was lovely - except for the pesky, cold Christchurch nor'easterly. We ate the first course outside with down jackets and various outdoors jackets to fend off the cold wind.

We moved inside for dessert and whiskey. A lovely day and evening. I won't be surprised if tomorrow is a quieter day for my foot.

Yesterday's good news re: my foot

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