I am not sure who .............

..................... moved the fastest ....... the snake or me when I almost stood on him!!!! I know he didn't say quite what I did!!!! Lol

Wandering up a hill I just saw this Black Racer in time before I almost stood on him - about three feet of snake that then slithered quickly away - he then became the focus of a number of blippers ...... this is my effort!

I really like snakes and this one was a beauty - even though he made me jump!!

Arrived in Gainesville Florida yesterday afternoon after collecting Debbi at Orlando airport - met Sefferdog and took a quick trip to the La Chua Trail (Seff's wonderful birding and 'gator place) ...... met up with most of the other blippers in the evening and there were 20 of us for a meal .....

This morning, at 6.30, we headed back to the same trail and spent the morning happily snapping at anything that moved (and some things that didn't). More blippers arrived at various times and now we are all here .......

Tomorrow we go off for our exclusive and private visit to the Butterfly Rainforest ..... expect around 16 blips of various species tomorrow ....

Thank you to Sefferdog and Gaia's Child for taking us to these wonderful places and to all the blippers that are here for making today so brilliant.

The Band of Blippers Bash Florida 2014 is well underway - and it has already surpassed expectation!!!

NIKON D5200 : f/6.3 : 1/320" : 380mm : ISO 2500 : EV +0.7

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