Lali's World

By Lali

Heads down

Finnish practice:

Kaikki nämä ihmisen päänsa ovat alas. He kaikki ovat toinen maailmassa. Mika he ajattelevat?

(What I'm trying to say: All these people have their heads down. They're all in a different world. What are they thinking?)

Althought the three at the back are in their mobile communication world, the one at the front seems to be eating something. He's in deep thought though, like the others, so it looks like he's also holding a mobile phone!

Today I was feeling rather tired and I had a headache all day. Work has been ok, but it felt long. One surprising thing that happened was that a friend of mine I hadn't seen for ages walked into the shop with her father to buy some whisky. I had lost contact with her years ago, so it was really good to see her!

Other than that it's just been another day at work. Nothing exciting!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you all had a good weekend! :)

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