Minnie Monday 25 - 6 months today

I blinked and suddenly she is 6 months old!

We can't imagine her not being here. She's a gem

To celebrate she raised herself on her arms and knees and looked poised to crawl.....but then thought better and lowered her bum back down!

At 6 months Minnie's favorite food is cod with peas and potatoes, she loves drinking water with her dinner and enjoys her fruit purée for pudding. She has four bottles a day and eats three meals a day.

She sleeps through the night - waking if her dummy comes out though - and sleeps from 630 till 6. We read daily but she prefers to read to me and turn the pages herself :)

Stanley is her favorite puppy because he kisses her! She holds up her arms to be picked up. She rarely cries and is very free with her smiles. When she wakes from her naps we get huge beaming smiles from her. She chats and chats and chats and chats some more. She can sit unaided for ages and ages, usually it's Stanley's wagging tail that knocks her off balance! She loves knocking over her stacking cubes at Nanny's house!

She rarely lies on her back now - preferring to roll around instead. She loves sitting on your leg with a leg either side of your leg and bouncing, a lot. She also loves standing and bouncing. She loves seeing her reflection in the mirror and smiles at herself a lot

She has THE most beautiful eyes

She is a very special little lady, much loved by everyone who meets her :)

I'm very proud to be her Mommy x

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