An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Drookit Daff...

Six am rises are definitely a lot easier when the sun is shining.

It was such a beautiful day that all I wanted to do was grab my camera and head out in the car to wherever the mood took me. Sadly my To Do list made that impossible. In fact I had all of 5 minutes to get a blip so all you get is drookit daff turned mono.

The day wasn’t a complete wash out though as a chunk of it was spent doing the final select and edit of the photos I’m contributing to the charity fundraising calendar. Final selection have to be with the lady who’s organising it next week but want to have it all done and dusted this week as next week is looking hectic.

I even managed to have a pot of spag bol bubbling away on the stove in time for David coming in from work so it looked as though I had been a tiny bit of a domestic goddess.

My sincere apologies for my lack of commenting. Time is just so short at the moment but I am looking and commenting whenever I get the chance. Roll on the Easter hols when hopefully the pace of life will slow down. Well, for a few days at least.

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