
By Namaikisaru

Flash experiment number 3

So this is high speed sync flash.

It's important I think to take a photograph first thing and to take more photographs than you think are necessary at any one time.

Its also important when staying in a posh hotel to jump up and down on the beds. Many adults forget this. In my case it is imperative because this just doesn't work with a futon at home.

Yesterday's photograph of Tony Stark's house hit the spotlight! WooHoo! I'm not sure how things hit the spotlight but thank you all so much.
I photographed it again today and some other gubbins which I'll put on Flickr
According to wikipedia its not the home of any of the avengers and is in fact some kind of education facility but I think you and I know that is just a cover story.

Also went to a camera shop today with a big second hand section. It was very dangerous. I may have used up my will power for the year by leaving empty handed.

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