A Hop, Skip and a Jump

Meet Sandra, my neighbour, work colleague and friend. She was walking up our road to meet me for her lift to work, and as she saw me she did a quick hop, skip and a jump not realising I had my camera in my hand lol! She's a lovely, happy person and meeting her is one of the good things that has come out of my job.

It's been a long day at work as I'm still not feeling 100% and after being 'off sick' yesterday, I woke up with conjunctivitis again and I've had a sore throat all day. I phoned and spoke to the Doctor and he's prescribed me more antibiotics as I started to get better after taking the last course, and as soon as I'd finished them the symptoms returned. This afternoon my eyes were really red and sore and I felt very tired, so I went and spoke to the Officer Manager. The doctor told me two weeks ago to stay off work as I needed the rest to shake off the virus, but I didn't feel I could having just started work. I should have listened though as three weeks on, I'm still not right, so I'm taking tomorrow and Friday off to rest and hopefully get myself better. If I'm still not right by Monday I'll start the next course of antibiotics, but I'm hoping I won't need to.

Anyway, I've got my feet up and it's time to relax and watch catch up TV - have a good one, it's nearly the weekend!

Thanks for putting the Head Hunter on the spotlight yesterday!

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