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Hello my friends! Hope you are having a great weekend! Thanks for the lovely comments and stars about my couple of birds in love yesterday. Today was a lovely summer day and look what I found. Another couple doing the same thing but it was longer than the birds I blipped yesterday and more colourful pic . . I am having more baby ladybirds in my garden . They are so busy so they let me take them with mine hand and take a few pictures .
I saw one little baby but he was not happy to pose for me so I blipped these two instead . Maybe they are the parents. If you remember I have a big family of ladybirds in my roses. Now I expect more and more. I was looking for new flowers in the garden for my blip and I found them in one pretty yellow flower. What a surprise! Yes he garden is full of daysies this yellow flowers and love!. It is getting a beautiufl garden.

I couldn't go for the Irish party today I did'nT feel well enough to go so I was enjoying the garden and sunshine for a while in the afternoon . The thermometer showed 25 degrees in my garden but the radio said it will be about 18-20 around here . It is not too bad. One day winter and another summer haha!
Hope you have a nice Sunday and hope you are smiling.

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