Can I give you some company?

Hello Blippers! Hope you are having a great weekend and great mother's day! The day here was lovey sunny day again. It was nice temperature and after swiming we enjoyed the lunch in the garden. It was a nice summer afternoon .

The garden is colourful full of life and love. I was sitting on the bench enjoing the sunshine affter my lunch and this lovely visitor decided to give me some company . I had not my camera next to me but I went inside and she was there waiting for me. Lucky me . It was incredible normally they fly away immediately. I got my camera and took a few pictures . I never saw one so near for along time and she just posed next to me in my coushion. She made me very happy and I want to make you all happy and specially the mothers everywhere in the world.
Thanks alot for the kind comments about my blip yesterday . Happy yo like my ladybirs in love yesterday . I have a lot more today. I saw more couples like this.
Have a nice week and keeping smiling..

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