Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


Today I met up with a good friend of mine for a Sunday morning coffee/photography date.

Because of the frigidly cold weather that we have been having here lately, we ended up sitting at our little table near the window sipping our coffee and discussing life and photography FOR FIVE HOURS! What???? Five hours?!!?! I would have placed a high stake bet that we had only been there for two, two and a half maybe.

So here is my conclusion about the matter.......when you have a good friend, time should fly by like that. You should be able to have easy conversation, chit chatting back and forth, solving all of life's problems. When you have friends that are interesting, compassionate, and all around well-balanced people....hanging out and shooting the breeze should just be easy.

Today, I made a stronger connection with a friend, all while sipping a delicious non-fat, decaf, extra hot, light whip mocha. And to top it off, we spent so much time discussing photography, that we were approached by a customer asking if we were members of a photography club (I guess the cameras, cases, and photog journal spread out all over our table might have peaked his curiosity).

You have inspired me to take this photography hobby and run with it! Thanks for all the tips today. Can't wait for the day when we are celebrating our 500th blips together!!

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