Return to the North

By Viking


Well this week was always going to be a big week. MOE visit today, principal appraiser thursday and then principal mentor visit on friday. So yesterday was a day to prepare for the MOE visit - ho ho bloody ho. Mental day - absolutely mental and got about 10% done of what I needed to get done because spent the rest of the day sorting out ****!

MOE visit passed without a hitch today thank goodness. Got a call from the car repair garage to say they could fit my car in (finally!!!) so I had to drive into Invercargill after work today to take it in and pick up a courtesy car. Was going to take the opportunity to do a spot of shoe shopping but the nana car they gave me as a courtesy car was so embarrassing I decided to drive straight back home. ( that and I was buggered)

This is Riverton harbour / estuary

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