Do you see

The not so nice alien head/body with big eyes and it's tongue
sticking out...No...Well I do, what's it doing playing in
the water then eh.. maybe it's a water babe alien
huh who knows, they just get into every nook and cranny
don't they............ I got taken out to lunch again today
then we went to get some bamboo fencing to hide an
eyesore in one part of my dumpgarden wheir I throw
carefully place cuttings and weeds, to be hidden from
me so I can forget about it until it's rotted down blimey
I am so smart I scare meself :-)) We also called into see
wee Isla she is a lot better but not 100% yet so hopefully
it's not the chickenpox..Our weather well it's orrible that's
what it is ...Large to see that alien face :-))
Hope your all having a good day :-)x

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