Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Looking forward but remembering the past

I am so grateful to all the people who have supported my family in these past difficult weeks. And I hope that we are entering a quiet phase of life for the next little while. I'm not sure how well any of us would weather another loss right now - although we (humans) are very resilient.

For me, it has been a day of quiet reflection. I went out with my camera for awhile, but nothing really spoke to me. Hubs and I took a long nap this afternoon - guess we both needed it. Then, off he went to run a few errands while I bundled up and sat out of the deck to be with nature. I'd no sooner sat than I was joined by two of the downy woodpeckers (the female, seen here), a nuthatch, several titmice, and a handful of chickadees. The crows sat in the trees and talked to each other while the blue jays were off in the woods. The cardinal pair was flitting at the edge of the woods in the shrubs - maybe scouting out a nesting sight? All around me are the signs that life does, indeed, go on.

I am glad that it is spring. Spring is a time for life, rebirth, new things. It is a time for looking forward.

For those of you who left hearts and stars yesterday - thank you. I feel all your hugs and good wishes. I'm going to turn comments back on tonight with the hope that I can eventually get caught up.


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