Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


Generally, spiders give other spiders a wide berth, because no matter who is the biggest and strongest, whoever gets the first bite in is the winner.

Here we see a male lynx spider who has just overpowered a female longjaw spider. These spiders occupy the same habitat, the paddy-field, along with the giant golden orb weaver, several species on St Andrews cross spiders, tent web spiders and many more.

Today was a very early blip. I hit the road just after sun-up, to try and find a blip to match those of the last few days. The problem when the blip monster gives you a good shots, you want more. But we all know that the good shots are rare and we have to settle for less in between. If good shots came every day, the fun of blip would soon evaporate. Still, I think the blip monster was good to me today.

I just did a bit of shopping in anticipation of getting the China job. I needed 5 shirts for the office and a leather jacket, as it is a bit cooler than Indonesia. A good session, one shop stop, total cost, US$60, not bad, what do you think!


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