today. In the morning anyway. Some herb seeds I put in the ground, enjoying the soft sun that eventually came through the light clouds, warming us all.
After lunch I thought it high time to visit the horses in the Eisenbahnerheim, and see around me all the blossom trees now it is still possible.
I had noticed that with the strong winds the last days so many petals but also little twigs with blossom flowers had come off the trees.
It does not seem far away the Eisenbahnerheim, just at the other side of the valley.
I start with much gusto, walking the 102 steps down, follow my way over the bridge, along the harbour, where I saw the swan sitting on her nest, and then up the steep hill.
It is so quiet there at the border of the forest and the old trees with all colours of blossom so beautiful.
I had carrots with me, but only saw Paule and Beauty and when I had given them all I had, there came Lucky running around the corner of the huge building.
For a moment I was afraid that I would disappoint her, but I had found a fallen apple in the garden of the Rathaus and could give it to her.
I walked the same way back, but the last steps uphill I found rather tiring.
Drinking tea with Mischa and Piet Hein helped a lot.
I liked the little face of the wasp in my picture.

My haiku:

Under the trees I
See the tapestry of pink
And white and red too

And the proverb:

Tell not all you know, nor do all you can.

1739 B Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack.

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