Birthday Selfie I

4years 172days

Katie has been adorably excited for my birthday. When I woke, she went to get the cards that she'd been looking after for a few days. She also said she would bring me my cereal in bed. Which she did. Literally just the dry cereal as she decided the milk was too heavy for her to carry.

She went to nursery for a few hours so I could finish up some work. I picked her up at lunchtime with our friends. We headed into town for a really lovely lunch. Her and Fraser were adorable together. The food was very yummy. We did a little wandering all of us before they took us to ballet.

She did well in her class, then did amazingly in the older class too. She wore her new silver tap shoes as a treat. She did great in a dance that neither the teacher or I really expected her to get. She also joined in with almost all of the modern part of the class too, including some gorgeous improvisation. We got a taxi home as she'd insisted on having her big car seat on the way there so we couldnt fit in her teacher's car.

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