
By annabelrosewats


Work, work, work! Haven't really said what I do at the cafe. Normally I always go to Coles in the morning and buy food for the cafe. Then help prepare the food for the cabinet. Shai does the coffees so I don't have to do them. Do the smoothies and juices though.
After work I went and chilled at charlottes house all day. Watched a couple of films and then we ordered dominos pizza for us both and Karl. Both of us were so full afterwards as we had a pizza each and a big thing of garlic bread! Got ready at Charlottes and we then went out to KB's. After KB's we hit Sogos and then headed over to Mathews. I went back to the hostel because of work the next morning but everyone stayed up until sunrise! It was a fun night out! Should be moving into Mathews place on Wednesday.

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