Airport House, Croydon

The first day in my new job and everything went well apart from a two hour journey to get there. I left home at 7.30am but there'd been a bad accident on the M25, so my Sat Nav diverted me across country which was lucky as I heard on the radio that there were long delays on the motorway. Anyway, I only had to be there for 9.30am so I made it in time, but I'm really glad that I haven't got to do that commute every day.

There were two other new starters today, so we did our induction together and we went for lunch together which was nice. This morning consisted of showing us how to use their computer programme, but this afternoon was spent having to read numerous staff manuals which was rather tedious! Everyone is very friendly though and it's a very pleasant working environment, unlike the last place.

I'm now back at my hotel which is opposite the old Croydon Airport, and as I was driving past I noticed this plane at the side of the road. So once I'd checked in, I went for a walk as I thought it would make a good blip. Unfortunately the sun was right behind it, so this was the only angle I could get a decent shot.

I'm tired tonight so I went to Subway and picked up a sandwich to eat in my room, and I'm now sat watching TV and catching up on blip, then it's an early night ready for the next day of training tomorrow!

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