Early Summertime Repititions

This is a copy of a photo made last summer. here and here Great ride today and SO needed. A good sanity break to put one's will power to the test. Nearly two weeks off the bicycle... I have to admit that it was a slow ride, but I did make good on the climb to this rest point without stopping except for a few photographic opportunities. :)

Ahh, springtime in Liguria... a sensorial overload - colours, smells, visual... So many little flowers that aren't in bloom later in the summertime and new to me. Rising out of San Remo, there was un abundance of honeysuckle and heady green odors. Further up somebody was burning brush that included a bunch of Rosemary... oh my... it filled the entire valley for several kilometers with hunger enducing rich roasted smells of Rosemary. I was tempted to stop many times to photograph the moment but wanted to keep my rhythm... a couple cats sunny themselves on a tin roof... fresh orderly spring gardens and greenhouses... amazing purple red flowers... the most delicate yellow flowers.... carpets of yellow daisies... and so on....

53 kilometers in all and only now recovering. To do again tomorrow???

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