Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

Not the best day for travelling

Time to leave NZ and Auckland. At first it seems A's gonna be as bad off this morning as he was the night before, but after having me pack everything, get A and the bags downstairs, get the car, and manage to load everything in (including A) , I actually find that we are on the way to the airport pretty much on time and with A feeling if not well, then at least well enough to think he'll be able to fly. To make a long story short, after utilizing a parking spot for disabled, having me unpack the car, leaving A with the luggage while I'm returning the car to Hertz, standing in the disabled persons queue at the check in, wrapping the copper stingray in extra layers of pricey bubblewrap, checking me and A in at the last minute with a brief conversation about airport doctors with the Qantas personnel, hastily checking the stingray in at the other end of the airport (at least that what it felt like), filling in our little "leaving the country"-sheets of paper, passing the security check, waiting for a late passenger and leaving Auckland about 40 mins late, we arrive in Melbourne where Karin has to wait for us for an additional hour while we get through the horrendous queue at the passport control and get our luggage. While we wait for Karin to get the car from where she parked it (she realizes A won't be able to get there on foot), A makes good use of an outdoor bench (see blip).
We ride to Port Melbourne in style in Karin & Göran's dark, dark blue Ford Falcon (not the XR6 though - this is the adult version :)) and once in the apartment A goes to bed while me and Karin catches up on things and have lunch (a yummy pasta with avocado and tomato). When Göran gets home from work, me and G&K have ginger marinated chicken drumsticks with rice (yum!) while A downs a yoghurt. Progress!

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