New Sneakers

I am not a fan of sneakers. I feel like they encase my feet and make them feel claustrophobic! I like shoes. Real shoes. I only begrudgingly put sneakers on when I exercise. After saying for weeks I need a new pair, I finally broke down and bought some this week. What a pain that was! I have a rather large, wide foot, and I am small so any sneakers look ridiculous on me. Now it seems they come in gaudy colours to make me look even with pink soles? No thank you. Hmmm. Fuchsia, lime, purple or turquoise perhaps, with clashing coloured soles? Nope. Super expensive ones with toes? what do you think? I ended up with these, that are almost comfortable if I tie them loosely. I did about 5 miles in them today with no blisters, so I guess they'll do :)

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