Morning painting...

I spend quite a bit of time reading other artists blogs and looking at videos etc, and one of the main messages i get is....just do it...and do it more frequently! So, after a few comments on yesterday's image i decided to put some of the wise words i've read into practice! I can find an endless source of procrastination....not enough time right now, too many handles to be put on mugs etc, laundry needs sorting...and on and of the artists i subscribe to does a lot of smaller paintings....she even does pieces that are 3" x 4"...that's too small for my liking! but if i give myself an hour maybe, and a smaller piece of paper, i can go at it with just the idea of having some fun, and practicing some of the elements i'm learning about!

Last night we had the Night at the Nunnery fundraiser....85 women (plus all the MammoWarrior Dragon Boat team, about 25 of us) had the most spectacular time. There was great music, the food was absolutely delicious....and the room that was set up for the silent auction looked totally amazing and very professional. The place was rock'n! i have said it before, but i'll say it again...i'm so honored to be part of this wonderful group of dedicated (and totally outrageous!) women! And there are always so many was i to know that Meg who i've paddled with a few times, has the most amazing bluesy voice...she was stunning! I have no idea at this point how much was raised, but i have a feeling it was a good night!

Just found out we raised $5,000 last night! Wow!

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