Adventure at Lough Hyne

The forecast being good I decided an adventure was needed. We headed out for Lough Hyne - a remarkable large, deep, freshwater lake joined to the sea by a small strip of water known as the The Rapids. It's a site of Scientific Interest for all sorts of strange creatures lurk within. But we were looking for something else! I had read that there was an ancient church, holy well and cross slab in the vicinity. It looked do-able on the map. We parked and set forth. Quite a long walk down a small road skirting the lough, so green and leafy with sheer rocky sides dripping with moisture. We got to where the smaller road should have been leading onto a peninsula jutting out onto the lake but it seemed to go onto private land and there were big gates. Suddenly a woman came out to check her post and I was over there like a flash. Once she'd got over her amazement that anyone should know about this obscure church she was very helpful. The whole headland was her land and it was brimming with interesting things. She gave us firm instructions and allowed us to venture forth. The boreen down was long and green and so beautiful - full of the most amazing variety of wildflowers - primroses, buebells, anemones, violets, Irish spurge. We found the church - teeny, roofless with a beautiful arched doorway. Her husband was buried close by - his epitaph had him down as a philosopher. Her instructions to the holy well were exact - climb up onto a stone and approach on your knees, - for safety rather than holy reasons I imagined, but maybe not. A teeny, two pooled well with lovely fresh water - and the thumbprints of St Bridget on each side! Really. I tested. Perfect fit.
We wandered around the top of the headland - huge stone walls, ferocious gorse but no sign of the cross slab. We watched lots of colourful kayakers belows going though the rapids including a couple with a baby - we could hear it roaring. Dad put ashore, changed the baby's nappy and then they descended the rapids. Not a bother!
We staggered back to the car refuelled on some fruit, then Himself had to endure another two holy wells. I did buy him an ice cream on the way home.

Please biggify for the little white dot is the woman's house and the lump of land is the headland. Quite a walk from here to there.

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