Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


This is one of my favorite back yard birds, the Black-capped Chickadee. They don't range very far south, so when I leave New Jersey later this summer, I will say adieu to these little birds, too. I'll miss their cheery chickadee-dee-dee song and their inquisitive dispositions. For the first time in several years, I don't have chickadees nesting in any of my boxes this spring ... maybe they are trying to let me know that they'll be just fine without me...

Bear with me if I have little moments of nostalgia leading up to this move. While I am very excited about embarking on a new adventure in a new place, I will miss many things about my current home state. Of course, I'll find an equal number of things to love in my new home state of Florida, too, when the time comes.

Had a wonderful time with Kura and Ellen yesterday - many laughs, lots of Prosecco, and plans for them both to visit Florida in the not-too-distant future.

Hubs ended up having a great time racing yesterday - the "emergency" car worked out great and the four "He Men" had an excellent time. Someone snapped a cell phone picture of them which I posted HERE - that is hubs on the far right in the red racing suit. He's the cute one.

I got an identification on my mystery fly of a few days ago. Turns out it is a web-spinning sawfly. Very little info exists on line about it, and fewer pictures, so no wonder I was stumped. Thanks to Daniel at WhatsThatBug for coming to the rescue once again.

Very chilly weather today so even the bees were lethargic and slow. I found several of the big bumblers sunning on the deck and when I stuck the macro lens in their faces, they gave a half-hearted attempt at fending me off. Or maybe it was yoga ... hard to tell.

Happy Sunday...


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