
It was The Wanaka Seniornet AGM today and The Boss had a new record to set. The previous record for the AGM was 17 minutes and today they managed it in 12. This was grrreat as there was a special morning tea that went for longer than usual and there was a really extra grrreat speaker that capivated the audience and a Grrreat morning was had by all. Hey, there seems to be more growling than usual but blame Tiny as I was not invited. The Bowling Club would NOT have wanted me anywhere near their greens. Can’t see why not but I would have been completely “greetapated” and never got round all my friends in the room anyway. I did however provide the opening slide. See here.
So after The Boss had some lunch (not ME) we went up to Waterfall Creek and the lowering sun caught The Boss’s eye. He only had his woolly hat on and the shade bit is a bit small…Right. Memo to self…Remind him to take proper hat next time. The low light and the cool temperatures make his Photochromatic Specs go very dark and he can’t see through the viewfinder at all well.

Even bigger Sparkles

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