wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Bad Mommy

This is not the blip I was going to do but this is too funny not to share.
I was going to garden however the hail turned me off.

So I decided to cook a big dinner or as the cats like to refer to it the weekly test of the smoke detector. Last week I managed to cook a pot holder. It's ok they snuff out quickly and today I saved a dish towel from certain death. ( ......and it appears as the smoke alarms are working juuuuuust fine thank you!)

I started to get the chicken ready to roast when Fred and Mia wouldn't leave me alone so, I went to YouTube and searched for videos for cats and got Mia's favorite ..... Party at the snow hole.
Seriously do NOT and I repeat DO NOT search that unless you put it under the category cat videos.

I put it on my iPad for them to watch and they fought over it. I had to get out my cell phone and let Mia watch that one. ( my windows phone is huge to start with but I have it in an otter box because I am a klutz. I broke two blackberrys)
Needless to say I, just like many other bad mommies plunked their kids in front of the television to keep them busy while I cooked and baked.

I have many challenges. Seriously I can do lots of things well. I can sing the hell out of a song, I can garden, laundry seems to be under control and trust me I have many other things I won't go into here..........hello? Pies! Get your minds out of the gutter!
Yeah I can't name the cooking thing as one of them
YET tonight it didn't suck. The roast chicken was great. I can not use any salt as both Don and Dad have renal problems. It's a challenge but! It worked out after all. Everything was done at the same time. I am so beyond proud of myself.

So here is the funny part, I left two of the cats watching their iPad and phone. Ethel was not feeling well and was sleeping in my room.
After 30 minutes the videos end and the two cats come in and meow for me to set them back up. They watched them for 30 minutes straight. Listen I am very serious. They are my cats you would expect less?
I told them just a minute, went to the table to make the biscuits and turned around.......

They were both plunked in front of the oven. I had left the light on and through the glass front they were watching the chicken and stuffing cook.

I had to leave the room I was laughing so hard.
Who knew it was that easy?
I did not have my camera. So I used this picture from prior in the day.

They are both sound asleep. They were up all afternoon instead of sleeping.
I am still chuckling.

I am a sick woman.
I can live with that!

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